Saturday, January 28, 2012

My lil Ladies in Training ♥

♥ ♥ ♥

A few days ago we had a fun day with our lil girls! Twas a joy!
We had a ton of fun & made lots of memories...
I love these girls!

we made cupcakes

spinning with Auntie Kourtney...

painted nails

had tea!

Learned what it means to be a young lady of God...

the next day the young men surprised our little ladies with a special gift!
look at those darling grins
our little gentlemen in the making and our little maidens in training.
I love them ALL!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missing someone...

...Isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them last,
or the amount of time since you last talked...
It's about the VERY moment when you're doing something
and You wish that they were right there beside you."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

a picture a day...

*Go check out the His Little Feet blog!
We are posting a picture every day to give you a glimpse into what the day held for us!

Click to go the:


Friday, October 28, 2011

Prayer Points....

*Photo Credit to: Annie Wesche

His Little Feet: The choir left the Ellerslie campus last Thursday morning to head to Nashville to begin recording their new cd. Let us join together to be in prayer for the children and the staff during this important time. The children began recording a few days ago and will be in the studio daily from 9-5 (EST) through Saturday. And most likely through Monday and Tuesday as well. Let us band together as the body of Christ to be in prayer for these precious kiddos and the powerful ministry of the choir. Here is a list of specific prayer requests compiled by a dear friend and sister in Christ Annie Wesche.

- a heart of worship in the studio and within each child
- grace upon the children to learn quickly and sing in harmony with one another
- the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ for each child
- stamina, patience, harmony, and joy for the long days and hours
- for this to be a supernatural work and an anointed album that would lead the hearers to truly worship and behold God's heart
- for the HLF staff, team, & international staff to have wisdom & energy to take every opportunity to minister the Gospel & teach the children
- that there would be an eternal impact upon all those involved with the project in Nashville
- safety and health
- protection over the innocence and purity of the children & a guard against worldly distraction as they are in and out of homes & on the road

Thank you!!!

In HIS service,
Solo Deo Gloria,

Monday, October 24, 2011

the JOYS of following in HIS footsteps

This morning I took a walk in the beautiful state of Tennessee. It was a glorious morn' full of sunshine and birds chirping their praise to their Creator! I couldn't help but sing my praise right along with them! This is the main song that the LORD brought to mind and I thought I'd share....

Take my life and let it be
    1. Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
    1. Take my moments and my days,
    1. Let them flow in endless praise.
    1. Take my hands and let them move
    1. At the impulse of Thy love.
    1. Take my feet and let them be
    1. Swift and beautiful for Thee.
    1. Take my voice and let me sing,
    1. Always, only for my King.
    1. Take my lips and let them be
    1. Filled with messages from Thee.
    1. Take my silver and my gold,
    1. Not a mite would I withhold.
    1. Take my intellect and use
    1. Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
    1. Take my will and make it Thine,
    1. It shall be no longer mine.
    1. Take my heart, it is Thine own,
    1. It shall be Thy royal throne.
    1. Take my love, my Lord, I pour
    1. At Thy feet its treasure store.
    1. Take myself and I will be
    1. Ever, only, all for Thee.

.::royalty of heaven::.
is he not just absolutely adorable!?

"let us worship in Spirit and in TRUTH."

darling little one


" beautiful the feet of those who bring good news..."

....more to come. ♥

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

shall he find faith on the earth?

"And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

--Luke 18:1-8


This is a call to pray, to wage war on the schemes of the enemy. Let us pray in our new children for His Little Feet Choir 2011-2012. Pray that His favor and will would reign. We are standing for truth, we are standing in the gap for millions of children around the world, and willing a ready to spread HIS fragrance all around the United States and the world! Dearest Lord Jesus let the testimony of what seems humanly impossible in bringing these precious royalty of heaven over here, so that others may see your power! Let us press, let us cling!


"the saint who advances on His knees never retreats."

Thank you!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Love In Deed And Truth

September 22, 2011-

It tis precisely 5:21 p.m. and I am sitting on a bench outside the Victory Wing soaking up the beauty of the evening. We are here at Ellerslie anxiously awaiting the arrival of our next group of dear sweet children that are coming over here to sing across the United State and spread awareness for the cause of the orphan and to bring glory and renown to their Heavenly Father! These next precious gifts are coming from 3 different countries: India, Ethiopia, and Honduras! We have 20 special orphans, royalty from heaven coming under our love and care! What an honor!

After to the last tour ended, which was at the end of May, all of the His Little Feet staff had the wonderful opportunity to bring our kids back home to Haiti! That was a joy and yet also a time of tears when we parted 10 days latter. While staying at Danita’s Children we were able to help the orphanage, visit other orphanages, and serve in the surrounding villages.

About four days after I got back to the US from Haiti Aaron and Carrie (fellow HLF staff) and I were off to California to prepare to go to the Philippines and China! Oh, do I have many wonderful stories from the time and ministries He blessed us with in both of those countries! Too many to count!

I arrived home somewhere around the 2nd week in July. I had some special time at home and I arrived back on Ellerslie soil the beginning of this month. Where I am now preparing for the kids! I don’t think it has entirely seeped in that a new group of children will be arriving soon- sweet little ones who I do not know yet, and can’t even properly pronounce their names (:p) but that I will love them just as dearly as I love my children from Haiti. I will love them with the love of the Author of love. I find it quite wonder to think that my LORD is an endless storehouse of Agape and unfathomable love only found in Him and all we must do is to tap into Him and His love spills over! Many a time I asked myself how can I love so many, hurt, cry tears of joy and pain and still love. This is something that He has been teaching me. Something that He started showing me in the very beginning of the first tour and it has become clearer and clearer as time has ticked away....

"We know His love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our life for the brethren." ~ 1 John 3:16

"The one who abides in Him ought himself walk in the same manner as He walked."

~ 1 John 2:6

"Little children, let us not love with word or tongue, but in deed and truth."

~ 1 John 3:18

Christ showcased HIS love for the brethren in He gave His life ~ and we are called to walk in His footsteps~ to do the same. We must show our love in deed and truth~ by giving up yourself, your life, your time, your comfort, your rights. THIS is love that reflects Christ. This is love that casts out fear and binds the work of the enemy ((1 John 4:18)) I feel as if I walked this out in many ways this past year with the children. He showed me that He loved us before we loved Him, He gave Himself for us even though we denied Him. In the most vital time, He proved He cared, not by words flippantly spoken but by a deep resounding deed ~ a love that casteth out fear. "Perfect YOUR love in me more and more dear Lord Jesus." ((1 John 4:21))

"I have found a paradox,

that if you love until it hurts,

there can be no more hurt,

only more love."

--Mother Theresa

1 Corinthians 13 - the Lord has been revealing to me at a deeper level the meanings of this lil chapter. It has become more real to me. I have felt this love. An unfathomable, indescribable love. A long against ALL odds. HIS love. I have seen Him perfecting His love within's a love that flows so comes from a well, a well not my own. It's His love being perfected in me! (verse 1-3: "If I have not love, it profits me nothing.) Is it not wonderful!? Why do we even try in our own strength!?

It has been a crazy ride thus far but overflowing with HIM. His joys, His heart, His tears, His faithfulness, His gifts- I can’t even begin to share all the stories that have accumulated during this past year and four months! Praise the Lord!

Here are just a few pictures of SO so So sO many of my adventures, each one has a special story and memory behind them. *sigh* I hope you enjoy them, beware, there are lots! J J


I. have. been. SO. blessed.
Praise the LORD!!!